The royal wedding of the Rajputs has created a unique mystery over the years. Rajputs have still carried forward the custom of the royal family weddings. Preparations for a conventional Rajput wedding begin much before than the actual ceremony.
It comprises a ceremony for the Tilak (engagement), the Ban (starting of the wedding ceremony), the Mel (the community feast), the Nikasi (the going away of the Bridegroom party for the wedding), the Sehla, and the Dhukav (reception of the wedding party at the bride's place by her parents).
A sherwani is normally worn by the bridegroom along with his own family form of a turban. He keeps a sword in his hand during the ceremony.
A bride wears a Lahanga, Odhani, Kurti, etc. The ornaments worn by a Rajput Bride are the Rakhdi on her forehead, the Sheesphul as headgear, the aad as a thick neck hanging, the Baju above her elbow (on arms), the "poonchis" and "bangdis" as thick golden bangles in arms, "hathfools" on hands and the Pajeb as anklets.
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